Marie Javorkova

Marie Javorkova




Rozměr obrazu: 4,10 x 2,20 m

Sri Vijan a Marie Javorkova - společná vernisáž 10.10.2016






Three  Graces



Marie Javorkova

I'm from Czech Republic.I'm surrounded by natural beauty,... history,... architecture... I find inspiration from the simple beauty of everyday things and add interest by bringing those items to their extreme through an expression of dramatic color and exaggerated light.
When I begin each piece, I allow the paint and the colors to move me. I don’t typically have a carefully mapped out plan for each painting, but rather just an idea or a focal point that develops throughout the creation. Much of my recent work is created with a pallet knife, which can provide rich texture and intricate detail while still leaving a lot of room for your interpretation. I use oils and water colour etc. while painting on a variety of surfaces including canvas, paper, etc. My paintings for sale - please contact me. Thank you.


Vernisáž 10.5.2015 Brno, Zemanova kavárna

Premiéra úžasného filmu Domácí péče - excelentní Alena Mihulová a Bolek Polívka


JE SUIS CHARLIE by Marie Javorkova


14.5.2014 s famózním vědcem a úžasným člověkem RNDr. Jřím Grygarem, CSc.


- rozhovorovor s Marií Javorkovou a Nickem Javorkem synem
- soukromé fotografie
- obrazy

- Interview with Marie Javorkova and Nick Javorek son
- Private photos

- Paintings

Marie Javorkova

Marie Javorkova for Iveta Bartošová






Wien 9.10.2016


Thank you for visit my page.



04/08/2013 16:10
Fusionism by Marie Javorkova Marie Javorkova is the founder of Fusionism.

Ing. Marie Černochová Javorková, se sídlem ul. Lužná 278/20, 617 00 Brno IČ 48517178, zapsaná v živnostenském rejstříku.



02/08/2010 07:23
EXPO SANTA FE OCTOBER 27-31- 2010 and WAF EXPO VEGAS III October 1-8, 2010 at the Las Vegas Art District  
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